10 Business Lessons From Me to You

Much people has been trying hard to expand its business, but sometimes just a lot of the complaints that were raised by our own.

STOP! Do not go blaming yourself. True businessman never complained before the planned achieved successfully. Maybe you do not get success because you do not know some business lessons. This lesson may not exist in any formal school education. The lessons gained from the experience, and I share it to you.

1. Select the target market of your product. Whatever your product, you have to have a target market. "Who will buy our product?" The question is should you think about before you make the product and do business. Make sure your target market is quite large. Better yet, if competitors for similar products are still small.

2. Keep a good relationship. Keep a good relationship with anyone. Our success in marketing the product actually is not more as a result of good relationships. When a relationship has been built, any business can run smoothly. Even you must maintain good relations with your competitors. Because then, you are invited to compete in a healthy manner. So you always relentlessly improve the quality of your product, or maybe you could work with him someday.

3. Do it your own way. I believe every person is unique. So surely every person also has his own way to grow the business. Do not get too hung up on people's opinions. Market research, marketing methods, or whatever; do with your own way. Because I'm sure you know best what is needed by your business. But do not be too over-confidence. Indeed, there are general principles of business that you need to know. You need to learn from mentors, then develop yourself according to your business needs.

4. Constantly moving, never still! Do not hesitate to walk. Make sure your business is always moving. Better to make a mistake, rather than your business quietly without change. If it does not move, you will be tossed around in the waves of uncertainty. Fear making decisions and taking action can be bad for your business. Failure is not to be feared. Failure is a friend who will drive you to achieve success.

5. Discipline and trim your work. The successful businessman has a regular work rhythm. That's where the importance of self-discipline in keeping the business plan that has been set. As well as doing everything neatly. You can definitely feel the difference when you do the job chaotic. Small sample, tidy your desk! Get rid of items you do not need so that you can work more comfortably.

6. Addressing risks intelligently. Feel free to take risks, as long as the worst risk is predictable and limited and best results indefinitely. Achieved immediately and do not think for too long so that the opportunity will not taken by someone else first.

7. Make a good habits. Success of a business is more often determined by the character of the business rather than the conditions faced. Businessman who has a strong character, such as discipline and courage to face risks, never be afraid to face any situation. In fact, not infrequently can make it as an opportunity. Find what kind of character you need to strengthen. Strengthening character yourself will greatly affect your business.

8. Apply positive routines. Try setting your routine this week, such as exercise and regular sleep. The hope with such focus and concentration you in building your business will increase.

9. Do it with love and get satisfactory results. You can not enough just pleased with your business. If you liked the business but it is not enough give the results, surely your business has failed. Conversely, if you may not like the type of your business but the result is really tempting, you soul definitely going tormented. Because you are not successful in the field that you enjoy. So like the business and make a success. The result will definitely satisfy your heart. Likewise if you intend to become an affiliate marketer, it is important to market a product that you like.

10. Buy a comfortable office chair. I am not making this up. Really! Choose a chair that is comfortable to your work activities. Choose a chair that can withstand the arms, back, neck, until your head comfortably. Not necessarily the most expensive, but the important thing is most comfortable for you. Therefore you need to try before you buy.


ndop said...

Huwaaaah, aku bisnis kok gak mikir yg beginian yak. Parah sekali diriku ini.

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