The characteristic of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is an attitude, spirit and ability to create something new that is valuable and useful to themselves and others. An entrepreneur has the mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative, and inventive in trying to improve their income.

A person who has an entrepreneurial spirit and attitude are always not satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time-to-time, day after day, week after week they always look for opportunities to improve its business. They always creating and innovating unceasingly, because they believes that by creating and innovating then all opportunities can be obtained. Skilled entrepreneurs are people who take advantage of opportunities to expand its business with the aim of improving their lives. Here are the characteristics of an entrepreneur. Could you qualify?

1. Motif for Achievement
An entrepreneur always has motif that working is to create achievement. Achievement earned a satisfaction to him. Therefore, an entrepreneur is a person who industrious and diligent in their work. What it does now hoping to produce something in the future.

2. Always Perspective
Perspective is a view will be a thing of the future. An entrepreneur always has a perspective; it means that he has always had a far-sighted view of what will happen as a result of what he does now. Future success depends on its performance in the present.

3. Having Creativity
An entrepreneur will always look for and find a way to do something. If a job is blocked, then he will think to find solutions to these obstacles. And the solution is usually very amazing and unexpected. An entrepreneur will always develop his creativity.

4. Having Innovative Behavior
Because an entrepreneur has the creativity, then of course he has a high innovative behavior. In order to reach achievement and future perspective, he is always trying to create something that is felt to be useful in the future. Further expectation is that the innovations can increase their income. Behold the case of Akio Morita, founder of Sony Corp, an entrepreneur who innovate Walkman.

5. Always Commitment at Work, Has Work Ethics and Responsibility
An entrepreneur will always spend more time to work. Even when taking a break, usually its brain continues to work to think of his work. An entrepreneur who is taking a lunch break will immediately leave his lunch because he suddenly found ideas for his work. This is a work ethic that is extraordinary; it also shows that he has a high commitment and responsibility towards what he was doing.

6. Independent
An entrepreneur is a person who’s creative and innovative; it means that he always uses his brain to do the job. Therefore, it can also be an independent person. He will always put his ability to overcome any problems before he meet other people. If he is not able to, then he meets someone who is more capable. That would probably only limited consultation to enhance not full aid to finish the job

7. Braving the Risk
There will always be a risk in doing business. The risk level of a business depends on the form of business. An entrepreneur would be willing to take risks for the sake of what he saw in perspective. But he took the risk of course is very well calculated, and he is responsible for the risk he took by way committed to the decisions he took. The trick is to improve his performance in order to minimize or even eliminate the risks.

8. Always Looking for Opportunities
An entrepreneur will always look for opportunities to do business, and when he found opportunity he would immediately take advantage of these opportunities to be converted into sources of income.

9. Having Leadership and Managerial Spirit
An entrepreneur is a person who uses his brain for work more than his physical. Sometimes he has not physically stout like body builder, but the power he thought is exceptional. An entrepreneur may not be able to work physically lifting weights, but to cover this defect, he will use his wits to influence people to do physical work for him.

10. Having a Personal Skill
Personal skill is the skill typical of a person who may not be owned by others, and may be he has this since he was born. A personal skill is a combination of the skill he learned in the formal education with an innovative character in him. So that the work that he has made would look different in the eyes of others, even though it might his work is something that is common for those who already understand. But because he is an innovator, then he will look very special in the eyes of others.An entrepreneur born to have this skill.


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