Does Obamacare cover Cialis use?

With the recent changes in health care, many wonder exactly what is covered by the new reform known as Obamacare. Specifically, men wonder if their prescriptions for medications for erectile dysfunction are covered. This has caused some controversy with people and even made national headlines.

The Cost of Treatment
Medications can be the least invasive treatment plans for erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, they are often more expensive than other options because of the lack of insurance coverage. Many insurance plans will cover treatment options such as implants, injections, and pumps. However, they often do not cover medications like Cialis.

Because of this issue, it can be too expensive for some people to receive treatment. Pills can cost as much as $15 or more per pill. For a monthly supply of approximately 10 pills, that can add up. Cialis does offer a free sample to let you find out if it will work for you before you spend money. However, you may be left paying for the prescription on your own afterwards.

Because of this cost, many online pharmacies have offered the medication without a prescription for a lower price. The problem with this situation is that there a great number of scams operating to take your money and give you nothing in return. People who want to find a way to afford drugs like Cialis often lose out to these fake companies. Even the ones who offer a generic version of the medications are not always regulated and may actually not provide a substitution that closely resembles the real drug. Instead it may vary from the regular standards because it does not have to meet specific guidelines.

Scams for these medications are vast because of the patient's need for privacy and a cheaper option. Even warnings issued by the government do not always stop people from attempting to find an affordable choice.
The only drug covered right now is birth control even though the new health care reform is expected to force insurance companies to cover everything such as these medicines according to many critics. Insurance companies are still left to determine most coverage choices on their own. The only requirement is that they must offer the same coverage to all of their participants that fall in a single category.

The drugs are still the most affordable option even if you don't have any insurance at all or none that pays for any type of treatment for erectile dysfunction. The cost for each person depends on how often they will take the medicine. Using prescription medicines are still safer than using other remedies touted by companies since they are not regulated by the FDA or tested for side effects. While Cialis is certainly not cheap, it is a more affordable option than surgery or other methods of treatment. It is also safer than remedies that have not received the seal of approval from the FDA.


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