How Does Age Affect Auto Insurance Quotes?

Many people worry about auto insurance quotes in relation to their teenaged driver. Other than that, people don't typically consider age when dealing with auto insurance quotes. However, at any stage of life, age can be a major factor in your auto insurance quote price. Insurance agencies use a risk analysis in order to determine the appropriate auto insurance quote for a customer. Research has shown that age is correlated with risk. Knowing these risk factors can help you make appropriate decisions regarding your auto insurance purchase.

As you may have guessed, people under the age of 25 receive the highest auto insurance quotes. This is based in research that shows people under the age of 25 are less experienced drivers, and more likely to be reckless. This means they are at a higher risk of getting into a car accident, and a higher liability to the insurance company. During this period in a driver's life, they are still learning. This learning is necessary, but still results in teenagers and young adults being the riskiest group to insure.
The next age group is from 25 to 50 years old. Young adults typically see a drop in their insurance premiums once they hit 25 years of age. Statistically, people in this age group are more experienced drivers, financially stable, and less likely to cause an accident. The last age group auto insurance companies consider is those over 50 years old. Generally, research shows that people in this group are still unlikely to be involved in a collision. Since the risk factor here is the lowest, this is the best group to be in as far as auto insurance quotes go, assuming you have a safe driving history.

Many people think it is not fair to include age in an auto insurance quote, because age is not something that can be controlled. However, insurance companies are a business, and they need to access their level of risk in order to make smart decisions. Age is one factor in auto insurance quotes, but it is not the only one. Having a safe driving history can get you far. You can also try to convince your insurance company that you are an exception to the rule when it comes to age groups. Now that you are more informed on how age affects an auto insurance quote, you can make better decisions on which policy to purchase.


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