Helping Customers Is a Top Priority In Running Your Business
Quotas as well as standard sales and production are important, but they are only means of intermediaries. The primary means is creating and maintaining customers to winning the business competition. Every morning, before starting the job, take 5 minute for asking yourself, "How do I get myself able to give help that is very meaningful to the customer?" Get used to maintain a record book, and every time a new idea that comes to mind you, write down the idea and determined to carry it out. Encourage your co-worker friends to do the same thing.
Try out the principle that the service is something more than selling, and you will see how great the benefits. Although may be the money that you can get not too much, but you will feel more comfortable, so you will definitely make it as a habit.
Customers are people who pay our salaries. The salary we get is from the purchase of its customers. Therefore, it is natural that customer service is a top priority in a retail business. Maintaining customer service is also meant to maintain the income of the employee.
Thia is best idea
Very good idea..
Do amazig,this post is means alot......
great taste of this
very interesting
so true, customers is people who pay our salary.
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