

Brand is an identity of a company that is expressed through a logo or tagline. Brand is very important for business development. With a brand, a product or service offered will be recognized by its customers.

A brand is a collection of properties that greatly influence the purchase. Brand enable consumers to identify products or services that promise specific benefits. Brand raised consumer expectations for quality, price, purpose, and performance. Well-known brand name is the company's most valuable asset. They represent accumulation of consumers experience over the years and high investment in advertising, presentation, and quality.

There are two kinds in brands, which is:

1. Master Brand. Namely a single name and propositions that are used to cover a wide range of different product areas. Examples of the famous master brand is Sony, Canon, Honda, Toyota, Hitachi. Brand can be used for all products manufactured by their own.

2. Individual Brand. Individual brands always contain one type of product to one market, and includes a choice of models, sizes, product, and different packaging formats. Individual examples of this brand for example is McDonald's, KFC, CFC, and other specialized business in a market that is fast-food restaurant market.

In its development, the individual and the brand can become the master brand is executable if the business produces other products or services by using these brands. Similarly, the master brand. To create a brand becomes stronger and segmented, master brand will be followed by individual brands. Example is the Sony Vaio. Sony is a master of the famous brand that is engaged in electronic. To make a stronger self-image, as well as to create a brand that has a market segment in a product, then create individual brand Sony "Vaio" for the computer market. At the mention of this brand is usually individual and be placed after his master brand. Example Sony Vaio, Sony PlayStation, Apple Iphone, etc.

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