Strategic Retail Management

Many consumers are now saturated with products on the market. Products - these products have become very common and it has penetrated at several shopping centers at this time. For example, Carrefour, Giant and Hypermart. The retailer has its own uniqueness in the selling of products and services. For example, Hypermart provides facilities MCC Member Card to consumers on a regular basis if the total expenditure of over one hundred thousand Rupiahs.
This facility is used to enhance the shopping and points can be exchanged with other products. In addition, this facility can also increase sales and consumer loyalty in the purchase decision. Coupled with the product - other discount products.

Well here is a trick or a trap for retailers today, where management of shopping centers attempt to try to raise parking rates because of the many customers who come. However, for consumers at this time is not fair if only just to buy products and services only. REMEMBER! Consumers do not need it, but consumers need refreshing, games and other entertainment.

Let us compare with GIANT, retailers this one. Generally, GIANT is one of the retailers who join the HERO ownership. As one retailer that has become for consumer awareness for products and displays the cheapest discounted as Buy 2 Get 1, also featuring some entertainment for consumers such as Fun City, Timezone, and games2 others. This makes consumers feel very comfortable in making a purchase. In addition, Giant sometimes provide 24-hour shopping for consumers on Saturday and Sunday. Seeing that, the other competitors as well as open a shopping center of up to 24 hours.

Noteworthy for its current retailers is a must see the view from the consumer side. REMEMBER! Consumers is a king, has become a common scourge in the field of marketing. According to Peter Drucker in the book Philip Kotler says that the main purpose of the marketing department is to create customer.


Rowen Guts said...

Internationally known retail companies are used as examples to facilitate an understanding of what is involved in strategic retail management.

Dawn Kettlewell

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Dirk Kettlewell

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Dawn Kettlewell

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