

Leadership is a process influenced by a leader or an example to his followers in an effort to achieve organizational goals. Leadership is important for every entrepreneur and person in managerial level. Natural way to learn leadership is to "do it in work" with practices like apprenticeship in a cinema experts, craftsmen, or practicioners. In this connection the expert is expected to provides teaching / instruction.

There are types of leadership, which is:
1. Instructive type
2. Consultative type
3. Participatory type

Theories of Leadership

Kreiner stated that leadership is a process of influencing others in which a leaders lead of his men to voluntary participate to achieve organizational goals.

While Hersey added that leadership is an attempt to influence another individual or group. A leader must integrate its strengths, the authority-owned, personality traits and social skills to be able to influence the behavior of others.

Genetic Leadership

Leaders who born with leadership qualities and not have to learn again. The main trait of a leader are genetically derived from his parents.

Traits theory

This theory states that leadership effectiveness depends on the character of its leader. The properties owned are, among others, personality, physical excellence, and social skills. According to Judith R. Gordon, leaders should have special Ability such as:
- Intellectual Ability
- Personal Maturity
- Education
- Socio-Economic Status
- Human Relations
- Intrinsic Motivation
- Encouragement to advance

Behavioral Theory

Because limited forecasting through leadership trait, the researchers began to develop a concept for examining the behavior of leaders as a way to improve leadership effectiveness. The concept is switching from anyone who has a behavior leads to how to lead effectively. And these are the concept of leadership based one behavioral theory :

a. Authoritarian, Democratic & Laissez Faire
The research was conducted by Lewin, Lippit & White in 1930's. They proposed three types of leader behavior, namely that applying authoritarian leadership, democratic -which includes subordinate, and Laissez - Faire who handed power to his subordinates.

b. Continuum of Leadership Behavior.
Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt introduced continnum of leadership that describes the distribution of power by leaders and subordinates. Continuum split 7 regions ranging from authoritarian to laissez - faire with a democratic in center point.

c. Employee Oriented and Task Oriented Leadership - Leadership style matrix.
This concept addresses two orientations of leadership that is
- Task Oriented Leadership which is the behavior of leaders in the settlement of duties is assigned tasks, organize the implementation, monitoring and evaluating performance of subordinates as a result of implementation of the task.
- Employee Oriented Leadership, will be marked with the behavior of leaders who see important relationships with subordinates.

Discussion of this model was developed by industrial psychologists from Ohio State University and the University of Michigan. Ohio group revealed two dimensions of leadership, namely initiating structure-oriented in task, and consideration-oriented in human. While the Michigan group used the term job-centered and employee-centered.

d. The Managerial Grid
This theory was introduced by Robert R. Blake and Jane Srygley Mouton with the adaptation and development of research data group Ohio and Michigan.

Blake & Mouton developed a matrix that focuses on the portrayal of five leadership styles correspond primarily to its location.

From the above theories can be concluded that behavioral theory has characteristics include:

- Leadership has at least two dimensions are more complex than its predecessor theory which is the genetic and trait theory.
- More flexible leadership style; leader can replace or modify the human orientation or task orientation as needed.
- The style of leadership is not gifted but can be studied
- None of the most correct style, leadership effectiveness depends on your needs and situation

Situational Leadership

The development of this theory is a refinement of the weaknesses of existing theories before. The main idea is contingency theory which is an effective leader will make the diagnosis of the situation, choose the style of effective leadership and apply appropriately.

Four-dimensional dynamic situation will inevitably impact on leadership.
  • Managerial Ability: This ability includes social skills, experience, motivation and research into reward provided by the company.
  • Characteristics of a job: challenging tasks that will make a person more excited, the level of cooperation influence the effectiveness of group leaders.
  • Characteristics of the organization: organizational culture, policies, bureaucracy is an influential factor on the effectiveness of leaders.
  • Characteristics of workers: personality, needs, skills, experience of subordinates will affect the style of leadership.

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